1. Egyptian Onions are PERENNIALS:
Most onions that are grown are biennials which means they only grow from little seeds that are difficult to start and difficult to keep pure but the biggest issue is that once harvested and used they are gone. But Egyptian Walking Onions are perennials which have a unique advantage in that they give you a sustainable food source all year long and year after year.
2. Egyptian Onions are Perfectly SUSTAINABLE
These onions not only can be harvest nearly all year long but they produce very prolific viable bulbils that grow numerous new plants every year. They usually produce so many bulbils many people give what they do not use away as nice gifts to friends and family
3. Egyptian Onions are Thoroughly ENJOYABLE
Egyptian Walking Onions are very low maintenance and do well all over the USA in all types of soil. They usually grow very fast producing edible greens within weeks depending on growing conditions. And as they mature to about 3 feet tall in the summer they produce a gorgeous array of reddish purple flower like bulbils.
Conclusion: These beautiful perennial onions, once established, will produce year after year with little fuss.
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