It is the time of year to harvest our hard-neck garlics. We also have over 300 feet of Egyptian Onions we will be harvesting in the next week after the eight varieties of garlic are harvest and hung to be cured.
Hard-neck Garlic:

We plant all our garlic in raised beds in the fall around October. This allows the bulbs to root down in the soil before the frost penetrates into the ground. We simply plant them, mulch them, and leave them until Spring. At the end of May, the hard-neck garlic varieties begin the shoot off scapes in the heat. Most people cut these scapes off since they are the seed of the garlic plant to encourage bulb growth. We also save the scapes which keep very well in the refrigerator and make a great garlicy addition to any dish you want garlic flavoring. We also sell the scapes although we have found in our area that most people are not aware of their potential. In most area’s where there is an awareness of them they sell for a reasonable price anywhere from $8 to $12 per lbs.

However, it is June, and the weather has turned hot and dry which means the garlic has started drying down. We know garlic is ready to harvest when the bottom three leaves of the plant have died off giving us a week or two to get it harvested. To harvest, we gently dig up the plant without pulling on it and tie them in small bundles in a dry place out of the sun to cure them. By July we should have garlic ready for sale.
Varieties of Garlic We Harvest:
At this time we cultivate 8 varieties of hard-neck garlic: Siberian, Mc Gee, Chesnok Red, Osage, Mecchi, Killarny Red, Dubna Standard and Music. We should be able to sell most of the varieties, however, their will be a few varieties like Music that we will not be able to sell this year.
We will have garlic for sale and can begin taking orders to be shipped as soon as it is cured in July.