At VanderWaal Homestead we love to raise animals and pride ourselves on our livestock. We have a small herd of about 10 cows and raise their calves for beef.

Our livestock are primarily grass-fed. They are rotational grazed through our 75-acre homestead as part of good regenerative farming practices which has greatly improved our land.

The cattle breeds we raise are crosses of main beef breeds: Black Angus, Simmental, Hereford, Shorthorn, and also a little jersey mixed into a few which seems to produce very fine meat.

You can pre-order a beef:

You can buy a whole beef, a half, and in some cases, we can do quarters. Whole and half beefs are most common.


We charge by the hanging weight which is the weight after skinning and gutting. This is fairer to the customer. Our current price per pound of hang weight varies based on the market so just ask. (The hanging weight is usually between 500 and 600 lbs.) Plus the processing cost which generally ranges between $.65/ lbs. to $.90/lbs. 

How We calculate Cost (based on $2.85/pound)

Est Cost: Whole Beef— 550 lbs* $2.85 = $1567.50 (Paid to VanderWaal Homestead) + Processing– 550lbs * $0.65 = 357.50 (Total est. cost to the customer for a whole beef is $1925.00)

Est Cost: 1/2 Beef — 275 lbs * 2.85 = 783.75 (Paid to VanderWaal Homestead) + Processing — 275 lbs * $0.65 = $178.75 (Total est. cost to the customer for a whole beef is $962)

DOWN PAYMENT and Payments

Non-refundable hold charge of $150 for a whole beef or $75 for half a beef will be collected. It will be taken off the total price of the beef.

We can accept Credit Card Payments, however we will charge 3% transaction fee

CONTACT US for more information via the form below or call Matt @417-755-0242

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